The Most Frequently Asked Questions About Bodyweight Training

When i have started to practice bodyweight training, this was my first question that i asked. My main goal was to lose weight at that time, but i was a little bit sceptic to use only bodyweight exercises. After 2 years of practicing bodyweight training, my answer to this question is YES. You can lose weight VERY FAST and build a LEAN ATHLETIC BODY with only bodyweight training. By now I know that i do not need any equipment to train. But you should not forget about the food that you eat. To lose wait is not only about making exercises, you have to follow a healthy diet as well.
YES! And you will be surprised how fast and how big. It is hard to imagine how you can stimulate your muscles after you reached a certain level. It is very simple in a Gym. Just drop more weigths on the Barbel or just pick up a dumbbell with more weights. It is not that simple with bodyweight training, but definiately more fun. Take an example like push up. By changing the angle of your body it is very easy to adjust the load of yor muscles. Depending on your level you can make knee pushups or if you are a professional, you can make elevated pushups.
Absolutely Yes! You have already learnt most of the exercises in your childhood (pushup, squat, lunge, situp ... ). The only difference this time, that you should focus more on the correct breathing technic. If you do not remember any of these basic exercises, you can find a tons of tutorial videos or guiding posters on the internet.
Not an easy question.There are several factors which have effect on it. Number of trainings, intensity of the trainings ... Do you follow any healthy diet together with your training? I cannot promis that you will see result within one week, but i can promise you will gain self-confidence if you train consistently. Even if you do not see any result in the mirror, you will feel leaner, stronger and more determined. Measuring your weight not everything and many times confusing. Your body store water or release water. Losing fat but building muscle ... Your weight stagnate but at same time your body transforms. Give it some time and focus on the most important thing: CONSISTENCY.
Up to you. Depends on your activity and fitness level. If you are at the beginning of your journey, take it in smaller steps. Start with 2-3 trainings per week and make it a habbit. Make sure that you always enjoy the training. As your fitness level increases, the number of trainings will increase as well. But still, you should not train more than 5 days a week. Your body needs to relax as well. It is better to decide for a fewer trainings that you can do, than plan a lot but you always skip. This would have a huge effect on your self-confidence.